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Introduction : Language is the adhesive that binds one human being to another, the bridge that makes possible the exchange of ideas, thoughts & feelings. And speech happens to be one of the pillars upon which this bridge rests. Communication through speech is one of the most common means of expression. Therefore, it is extremely important to know about the various aspects of the language and speech development process in childhood. A glimpse into the process : The process through which a child acquires the ability to communicate through spoken language is one that involves various stages. This process initiates when infants engage in babbling and cooing around the age of 4 to 6 months. These early vocalizations serve as a foundation for the linguistic journey that the child is to embark on. With the passage of time, the babbling evolves into simple words, typically when the child is between 12 to 18 months. Naturally, the progression from simple words to complex sentences takes place in the coming years, as the child grows, becomes more and more desperate to communicate his/her needs and desires, and ultimately develops the curiosity & ability to navigate the realms of vocabulary and grammar. Factors influencing the process : The language and speech development process in childhood is influenced by a variety of factors. Following is a glimpse into some of them: ● Exposure: Exposure to a rich linguistic environment contributes significantly to a child's language proficiency. Conversely, limited exposure may act as a hindrance to the acquisition of proper speaking skills. Children raised in bilingual or multilingual families will naturally find it easier to interact & communicate in multiple languages. ● Neurological factor: Not all children are born with the same neurological framework. Therefore, children who have neurological disorders will find it difficult to absorb linguistic input. Specific regions inside the human brain play very significant roles in language processing and production. Anomalies in these regions may establish barriers between a child and his/her ability to go through the process of language and speech development. ● Socio-Cultural environment: The socio-cultural environment that surrounds a child also strongly influences and shapes the language and speech development process that he/she undergoes. Different communities across different regions tend to display different styles of speech and ways of communication. Cultural nuances & dialects influence the way children express themselves as they keep immersing themselves more & more into their cultural and social surroundings. ● Education: Another important factor that influences the language and speech development process is the kind of formal education a child receives. The contents of school curriculum that are associated with language & developing linguistic proficiency guide a child throughout his/her linguistic journey. Conclusion : Overall, the process of language and speech development is a multistage process that is influenced by a wide range of factors. Acquisition of speech is a necessary element in the growth of every child, without which he/she would not be able to initiate even basic interactions. As it is said, a human being is a social animal, therefore, it is necessary to lay emphasis on language and the process by how it is acquired. Ultimately, the strength of a society is based on the strength of communication among it's members, and only the seed of proper language and speech development will help in the germination of a socially interactive & informed society.

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