Mental Health and Physical Education

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Nayeem Hussain

Introduction : World Health Organization defines Health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life from Childhood and Adolescence through Adulthood. Physical Education is an educational process that uses physical activity as a means to help people acquire skills, fitness, knowledge, and attitudes that contribute to their optimal development and well-being.  Role of Physical Education in Mental Health : Sports is an integral part of Education. Physical Education plays a very important part in maintaining Mental Health in the following ways: 1 . Reduce stress: --------Students are put under a lot of mental and physical stress because they spend so much time on their studies. Some of that stress and anxiety can be reduced by engaging in physical activity like playing sports such as Cricket, Football, and Kabbadi. Additionally, it supports emotional stability and toughness. 2. Self-improvement and character development: ------Team sports in a structured environment help develop leadership and sportsmanship. Students are encouraged to respect themselves and their peers by taking on different responsibilities on a teammate gestures like handshakes, pats on the back and high-fives help to foster confidence and togetherness. As a result, kids become more confident in their skills and are motivated to advance in their chosen sport.  3. Increases focus and retention: ------Students who are entirely engaged in their studies will need more than one break each day. Physical Education plays a role in this. When Students engage in physical exercise in the classroom, they can break up the monotony and expand the surplus energy that is feeding their boredom and preventing them from paying attention to class.  4. Develop Social skills:--------- Physical Education is a subject that teaches children the significance of teamwork. By participating in team activities, they develop a sense of identity and belonging. When physical education teachers model positive social behavior, children learn valuable social skills. They can improve their interactions and relationships throughout their lives. Conclusion : Students are more likely to engage in physical activities outside of school when they have better skills, stronger muscles, more bone density, and also a will to participate. Additionally, it enables kids to comprehend the positive effects of exercise and how good it may make them feel.

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