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Pratilk Dey

Introduction Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors. They indicate desirable knowledge, skills, or attitudes to be gained. An instructional objective is the focal point of a lesson plan. It also aims to acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding, and skills to solve problems and make informed decisions in scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations and evaluate scientific evidence to conclude.  OBJECTIVE It is immediate, specific, operationally defined, and easily achievable in a limited time. Instructional objectives are written for the students and they state what the student is expected to do following instruction. Objectives are specific, observable, and measurable learning outcomes. In contrast, goals are general and non-specific.  To be effective, instructional objectives should be as------------------- v Specific.   Instructional objectives should precisely describe what is expected of a learner. v Measurable.   A measurable instructional objective can be observed or one that generates data points. v Attainable. v Relevant. v Time-framed. There are three different levels of objectives institutional for schools and colleges. Instructional objectives for each separate course of instruction.  BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES ( SPECIFICATIONS)-----------------------------  Specifications are expressed in terms of pupil behavior that are observable, measurable, and easily attainable. The statement of a specification requires three components · Performer – the person who is to perform the required action. E.g.: pupil. · Desired action – an action verb that indicates the specific observable action. Eg: recalls, compares, classification. · Content  -  the learning material. Eg : compares endosmosis and exosmosis, identifies aorta.  THE BASIC STEPS FOR WRITING ---------  Define your instructional goals Select suitable content to achieve these  goals Write a specific objective with an action verb indicating the task Modify or write specific objectives in clear, precise terms.   INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE FOR SCIENCE TEACHING (NCERT)  (A)   KNOWLEDGE:-------- The pupil acquires knowledge of terms, facts symbols in the field of natural sciences. (a) Recalls terms facts etc. (b) Recognises facts, concepts, etc.  (B)  UNDERSTANDING:-------- The pupil understands facts, concepts, principles, definitions, and natural sciences. SPECIFICATIONS : 1. Illustrations a phenomenon or principals. 2. Gives experimental proof. 3. Identifies the relationship between concepts, principals, etc. 4. Discriminate between closely related concepts or find out similarities and dissimilarities. 5. Interprets charts, graphs, etc. 6. Detects errors in statements. 7. Cities examples. 8. Classifies items as per criteria. 9. Defines.   (C ) APPLICATION:      The pupil applies scientific knowledge in a new or unfamiliar situation. SPECIFICATIONS : Formulates definitions Ø Substantiates arguments Ø Analyses a situation Ø Verifies hypothesis Ø Gives new illustrations to a principle Ø Selects apparatus procedure etc Ø Draws inference from relevant data Ø Describes scientific phenomena Ø Establishes relationship between cause and effect. Ø Locates problem  (D ) SKILL: (A) DRAWING SKILL: Draws labels/users/ appropriate /scales prepares reads  (E) EXPERIMENTAL SKILLS: Arrange the apparatus, Check the instruments, Carry out simple repairs, Handle the apparatus carefully, Make observations, Record relevant data, improvise the apparatus Collect, mount, and preserve specimens.  F ) INTEREST: § Reads extra books and journals in science. §  Participates in the activities of the science club. § Visits places of scientific interest. § Enjoys observing nature. § Improvises observing and apparatus.    (G ) APPRECIATE: Uses scientific methods in problem-solving. Admires the life and work of scientists. Derives pleasure while experiencing and performing experiments. Signifies the impact of science in daily life.    (H) SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE:       1 . Respect the science teachers.       2. Wants to know why and how is the events.       3. Suspends judgment till it is repeatedly confirmed.    4. Faces hazards in investigation.    5. Develop independent thinking.  6. Shows the spirit of teamwork, self-help, and self-reliance.  AIMS OF INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES OF SCIENCE TEACHING:- (a) To provide the broader objective of science is process skill knowledge curiosity etc. (b) To encourage and enable students to develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and nature. (c) To acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding, and skills to solve problems and make informed decisions in scientific contexts. (d) To communicate scientific ideas, arguments, and practical experiments accurately in a variety of ways. (e) To demonstrate attitudes and develop values of honesty and respect for themselves others and their shared environment. (f) To provide practical knowledge of the subject matter content. (g) To understand the nature of science and the interdependence of science, technology, and society including the benefits, and limitations imposed by social, economic, political, environmental, cultural, and ethical factors. The advantages that can be drawn for purposes that can be served by the study of that subject generally become the aim of its study.  To proceed with the realization of an aim or broader purpose, these are usually divided into some definite functional and workable units named objectives. The aim of teaching science may be broken into some specified objectives for providing definite short-term purposes are tasks before a particular topic for providing a particular type of learning experience.  CONCLUSION: Instructional objectives of science teaching aim to encourage and enable students to develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and nature. It helps to acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding, and skills to solve problems and make informed decisions in scientific contexts.

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