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Ankita Medhi

Geography is one of the important subjects in the school curriculum. Geography derives a lot of material from such subjects as Biology, Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, Mathematics, Chemistry and other sciences. The subject matter of geography includes a study of the natural environment of man and also the study of social and cultural environments. Thus geography has a very wide scope unparalleled by any other subject. We shall also have to consider the practical importance of geography, Economic importance of geography, political and social importance, cultural and intellectual importance, etc. The importance of geography Importance of Geography for administrators and politicians:--------------- To run the administration efficiently the administrator needs to have a thorough knowledge of the geography of the country. In the absence of knowledge of the geographical conditions of a country, it becomes difficult to run the administration efficiently. Geographical factors affect the Economic, political, and social life of the inhabitants of an area. From knowledge of geography, it becomes easier to know about the interdependence of people of various countries. Political Importance:------------ To gain political importance the knowledge of the geography of other countries is essential for any country and even for an individual. It is only by the knowledge of geographical conditions that we develop sympathy for any particular country. Practical Importance: ------------Knowledge of geography is quite handy in preparing students to face various problems in life. If a student is familiar with the natural conditions of a country, its climate, vegetation, natural resources, mineral wealth, etc., then it becomes easier for him to plan his future. Such knowledge can be of much help to would-be industrialists of a country and a student of geography interested in setting up an industry after the completion of his education can make a better selection for the location of his industrial unit keeping in mind the natural resources needed. The knowledge of geography is also helpful to an individual in developing social, political, and economic relationships with other countries. Thus we find that the knowledge of geography has a practical utility. Cultural and Intellectual Importance of Geography: -------------Knowledge of geography helps us acquire the knowledge about cultural and intellectual life of a particular country and in this way, it becomes easier to carry out a proper study of the cultural life of the whole world. The knowledge of geography also helps a student in developing his power of imagination and encourages him to find out the cause and effect of various phenomena. When a student of geography learns about the mountains, rivers, forests, etc. then an image of all these things is formed before him. Whenever he comes across any of these things he can identify them and discern them easily. Such knowledge helps the student to know about the cultures and civilizations of different countries. Geographical factors also influence the intellectual life of a country so we can say that geography has an intellectual importance. In the words of Fairgrieve, “The real value of geography lies in the fact that it helps man to place himself in the world to learn his true’ position and duties”.

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