Sources of Aim of Education

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Bittu Majumdar

Education is a never-ending journey. Its primary goal is to promote a child's holistic development. As the child grows, the results of education are visible in the form of a better and more prosperous life. This is mainly because education empowers people to become mindful of their liberties and obligations in a societal structure. It equips them with cognitive ability, physical growth, morals, and ideas. In this way, by empowering future citizens, education also benefits society. What do we Aim to Achieve Through Education? · Education teaches us to distinguish between fair and evil, unethical and ethical. · Education provides a person hope that they will be able to address the difficulties that humanity is currently facing. · Education empowers you to challenge everything that appears to be incorrect. · Education teaches you how to conduct yourself correctly and effectively. · Education assists you in discovering the truth and challenges you to think in new ways. · Illusions get dispelled by proper education. · It increases your awareness and confidence. · Education aims to develop children into good citizens. Responsible citizens apply their learning and gained skills to help themselves and others. They help to move the human race ahead in areas such as equality, justice, and harmony. Aims of EducationVocational Aim: Education enables students to make a good living in the future. It makes them independent and successful not just culturally but also financially. Occupational competence should be a strong focus of education. Knowledge: Knowledge is as essential for intellectual development as nutrition is for body development. It encourages lifestyle changes, self-realization, and societal progress. Thus, knowledge is as much a source of strength as comfort. It leads to effective interpersonal relationships and healthy life adaptations. Thus, knowledge acquisition should be a significant goal of education. Complete Living: Education must familiarise a child with the actions of healthy living. These may include childbearing and childrearing, consciousness, activities connected to socioeconomic and cultural responsibilities, and aspects linked to the appropriate use of free time. Total Development: Education seeks to grow the overall personality of the learner. These include physiological, intellectual, moral, social, and spiritual growth. Harmonious development: Harmonious development refers to the overall growth of humans. It includes physical, mental, artistic, and ethical aspects of growth. The goal of education is to develop a balanced personality. Education must nurture every child's capabilities and qualities in a coordinated manner. Moral Development: Herbert Spencer, an outstanding English educationist, placed a high value on this educational goal. He considered that education should help children develop moral ideals. Education must develop attributes like kindness, integrity, courage, respect, and honesty. Character Development: Character development is the ultimate goal of education. It is believed that education comprises the nurturing of particular human ideals. Education helps the formation of mindsets and preferences that comprise a person's personality. Some renowned personalities, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, and John Dewey, regarded character development as the fundamental goal of education. Self-realization: According to some professional educators, this is one of the most important aims of education. Education should assist a person in becoming what they need to become, depending on their specific potential. Cultural Development: Through education, every individual must become sophisticated and civilized. Artistic growth is also a crucial component of education and results in the improvement of artistic sense and compassion. Further, it increases an individual's regard for others and their cultures. Citizenship: We educate students to become excellent citizens of their country. Education helps them acquire traits that will benefit society. It makes them aware of their commitments, obligations, and responsibilities to society. This goal is critical in a democratic setting. As a democratic citizen, the child should be taught to respect diverse ideas. He should be able to balance rational thinking, openness to new perspectives, and nationalism. Personal and Community Goals: A few educationists believe that the most crucial goal of education is the complete growth and evolution of the student. In contrast, others believe that the fundamental goal of education is societal growth. Humans are social beings who require a community to survive. A person owes everything to society that they must repay. One must work for the betterment of society. Individuals need communities, and communities require individuals. Individual growth requires social connections and bonds. Education should aid in developing and maintaining a sense of commitment and devotion to society and its interests. Education should create a synergy between personal and social goals. They must be mutually beneficial. There is no necessity for any dispute between the two. The ultimate goal of education is a child's progression as a community member. Personal ambition and social provision should complement each other. Individual and societal development should take place at the same time. Education for Leisure: Leisure is defined as time spent for recreation purposes. Leisure is an essential aspect of human life. It is required to maintain rest and replenish energy. One should spend leisure time on tasks that benefit both the individual and the community. Leisure, when used appropriately, creates cognitive and emotional equilibrium. Practical leisure time usage can stimulate creative, ethical, and aesthetic advancements. Children should be taught how to spend their free time productively and imaginatively. Elevating all aspects of personal and societal growth is the foundation of education. The aims of education reflect the needs and perspectives of education. These aims simply indicate the effect education must have on the learner. The aims are not definite or everlasting. With time, we can update and modify the aims of education as per the current requirements.

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