Various Dimensions Of Mathematics

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Nasrin Jahan

INTRODUCTION:-Mathematics is an important subject in the school curriculum. It has different meanings to different people. According to Galileo “Mathematics is the language in which God  has written the universe.” According to John Locke, “Mathematics is a way to settle in the mind the habit of reasoning.” According to Benjamin Peirce, “Mathematics is the science that draws necessary conclusions.” It has various dimensions. These are as follows:- 1. HISTORICAL DIMENSION:------------- Mathematics has an extremely long historical development starting from the pre-historic age. The Greeks contributed immensely to the development of mathematics. It is believed that the Greeks were the first who use deductive reasoning in mathematics. Thales and Pythagoras were the first geometers who used deductive reasoning. After Euclid, Archimedes contributed to the growth of mathematics in Greece.                     In India, Mathematics reached a great height in the Vedic period. The invention of zero, decimal systems, and infinity were the most significant contributions of ancient mathematicians. Aryabhatta, Bhaskara, Mahavira, and Brahmagupta contributed greatly to the development of mathematics.                 Issac Newton and German mathematician Leibniz independently developed calculus in England and Germany. In the nineteenth century, Gauss did revolutionary work in the study of the dimension of a complex variable and the convergence of infinite series.                  In the twentieth century, notable progress was made in group theory, metric spaces, topological spaces, different geometry and algebraic geometry, etc. In this way, the journey of mathematics is extremely long. 2. SCIENTIFIC DIMENSION:------------------ The study of mathematics helps to develop the reasoning power in the learner’s mind. These powers are simplicity, accuracy, originality, and verifications. It also helps in the development of concentration and willpower. When all the characteristics are internalized in the learner’s mind then a scientific attitude is developed.          Mathematics is itself a science. It is used to explore the truth through allied subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and social science subjects like economics, psychology, and statistics. Mathematics is used as an instrument to search for the truth scientifically. 3. LANGUAGE DIMENSION:-------------------Mathematics is a subject that has its language. The different symbols, notations, numerals, letters diagrams, etc. Are used in mathematics language. Some symbols that are used in mathematics language are +, -,×,÷,≤,≥,=,≠ etc. Similarly, English numerals and Roman numerals are used extensively to indicate quantity and standard. Greek letters are also used extensively in mathematics language.                      With the help of this language, we can translate verbal statements into mathematics language and vice-versa. For example- When 2 is added to x,gives 7 2. A is the set of all the vowels of the English alphabet  In mathematics language - 1.X+2=7 2.A={a,e, i,o,u}          The science of logic developed through history. 4. ARTISTIC DIMENSION:-------------------Art and mathematics are interrelated. The geometrical shape of mathematics depicts the artistic sense of beauty. The pyramids of Egyptian civilization were constructed from geometric knowledge. Bertrand Russel, one of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers described the beauty of mathematics for its capacity to create art without gorgeous painting or music. 5. RECREATIONAL DIMENSION:---------------Aesthetic pleasure and recreation can be felt by those who are intimately involved with mathematics. Some topics in recreational mathematics are puzzles,  magic squares, Rubik’s cubes, etc. These method helps to promote confidence, and self-reliance among the students. Recreation produces immense joy in the minds of the learners. 6. ACTIVITY TOOL DIMENSION:---------------- Mathematics is an activity and such activities are performed with the help of appropriate tools. Some examples of mathematical activities are laboratory activities, activities of mathematical clubs, mathematical quizzes and games, projects of mathematics, etc. Most of the concepts and theorems can be developed with the help of tools in the laboratory.

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