Constructivism in Mathematics

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Parisma Pujari

Introduction: In the traditional process of teaching-learning, teachers are considered as the storehouse of knowledge. Teachers impart knowledge to students. Teachers are the main speaker and students remain passive listeners. Constructivism is a new concept based on psychology that brought a new evolution to such a traditional process of teaching and learning. The two influential figures associated with the concept of constructivism are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Concept of constructivism: Constructivism is a theory based on observation, scientific study, and about how people learn. It is a learning theory that emphasizes the role of active involvement, social interaction, and individual experiences in the process of knowledge construction. It says that learners actively build their understanding and knowledge of the world through interaction with new information and experiences. Constructivist approach in Mathematics teaching: Constructivism opposes the traditional way of teaching. In the context of mathematics, it includes moving away from rote memorization towards an approach that encourages students to construct their mathematical understanding through exploration, collaboration, and critical thinking. mathematics teaching constructivism emphasizes real-world problem-solving. By giving reliable problems to students that reflect applications of mathematical concepts, the teacher acts as a facilitator or guide in the classroom room. This makes the learning experience more joyful and engaging. Role of teacher in constructivist classroom: The role of the teacher in a constructivist mathematics classroom is not a disseminator of information but a facilitator. The teacher creates an environment of freedom in the classroom where students ask questions, explore multiple solutions, and articulate their reasoning. This approach develops the ability to understand and empowers students to become critical thinkers in their mathematical journey. Merits of constructivist approach in mathematics teaching: Group activities and collaborative learning play an important role in constructivist mathematics classrooms. The following is a list of some of the merits of constructivist mathematics teaching------ 1. Students working together on mathematical problems share diverse perspectives and learn to communicate their mathematical thinking. 2. It concentrates on the development of critical thinking of the students. 3. Constructivist approach develops the ability to problem-solve in real-world scenarios, where students with different abilities, and strengths often work together to find solutions. 4. Constructivism in mathematics teaching nurtures an understanding of mathematical concepts as students build their knowledge through activities. 5. Constructivist mathematical classroom promotes retention and transfer of knowledge, as students engage in hands-on experiences that connect mathematics to real-world situations. 6. It enhances students' confidence by making mathematics relevant and meaningful, leading to a positive learning experience. 7. In this approach students can explore mathematical concepts actively. 8. In this approach utilizing diagrams and charts, can make abstract mathematical ideas more tangible. Demerits of constructivism in mathematics teaching:------------ 1. It includes the potential for uneven learning outcomes among students. 2. It may include developing misconceptions of mathematical ideas. 3. It is a time-consuming approach. 4. Covering the whole curriculum is a difficult task in the constructivist approach. 5. In a constructivist environment assessing student progress can be more complex. Conclusion: Constructivism is a widely used term in education today. The principles of constructivism have influenced the teaching-learning process. The implementation of constructivist approaches is now influenced by advancements in technology. It is an influential concept in shaping teaching-learning processes, emphasizing learner-centered approaches. It encourages the development of skills for success in the mathematical journey. Through the constructivist approach, students become lifelong learners, which helps build confidence, curiosity, and understanding among them

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