Language Across Curriculum

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Debarati Paul

Introduction Language Across Curriculum (LAC) focuses on combining different aspects of and forms of language education within the curriculum. It particularly emphasizes the role of language in all subjects of the school curriculum. Narrow meaning of LAC LAC suggests the importance of language work and training in all subjects The wide meaning of LAC LAC demands a comprehensive model of language education. As the basis of a whole school education. As the basis of a whole school language policy. It includes linking all languages as proper school subjects i.e. mother tongue education, foreign tongue education, and second and third language education. LAC promotes a basic form of pluri-linguilism. LAC is a concept that acknowledges the part that language education in school does not only take place in specific language subjects. LAC leads to new forms of use of Language of Schools to extend linguistic competencies.   Goals of Language Across Curriculum (LAC) LAC has multifaceted goals, it encompasses both linguistic and cognitive aspects. It aims to prepare students for effective communication and academic success in a diverse range of disciplines.   LAC aims to enhance student’s language proficiency in both verbal and written communication. It incorporates language into various subjects such as science, mathematics, and social studies, and provides opportunities to practice and refine their language skills in context. 2. It contributes to the development of strong communication skills so that students can express complex ideas and arguments with clarity. 3. LAC fosters critical thinking skills. Through LAC, students are encouraged to find and analyze information from varied sources. 4. The interdisciplinary approach of LAC challenges students to think critically about subject-specific content and to communicate their understanding effectively. 5. LAC encourages students to inquire and express their ideas in a way that reflects a deep understanding of the material. 6. LAC promotes a holistic approach to education. It creates a connection between language and content knowledge. 7. LAC aims to recognize and accommodate linguistic diversity and meet the diverse linguistic needs of students.   Thus, we can conclude that the Language Across Curriculum(LAC) aims to create well-rounded individuals who are proficient in language and also capable of critical thinking and effective communication.   Difficulties of Language Across Curriculum (LAC) Implementing a Language Across Curriculum (LAC) approach poses several challenges.   1. There are diverse academic language demands across subjects. Each discipline has its unique vocabulary and structures and it is difficult to find a common program that accommodates all these variables. 2. There are different proficiency levels of students in a classroom. Students may do well in one subject but struggle with the language needs of other subjects. 3. Coordinating lesson plans that integrate language skills into subject-specific content is difficult for teachers. 4. Traditional assessment methods may not accurately capture a student’s understanding if language barriers are there in expressing their ideas. 5. Students may come from different linguistic backgrounds. It is challenging to create a standardized language approach that is fit for everyone. 6. Developing a proper curriculum that Integra language teaching and teaching of other subjects requires a high level of coordination among teachers and administrators.   Thus, Language Across Curriculum(LAC) faces obstacles related to subject-specific vocabulary, varied efficiency, and proficiency among teachers and students,  assessment methods, and collaboration among teachers, administrators, and students.

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