Sociology, Sociolization and Its factors

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Bulti Das

SOCIOLOGY- Its Concept Sociology is the youngest of all social sciences. The term Sociology was coined by Auguste Comte, A French Philosopher. It is derived from the Latin word, ‘Societus’ meaning ‘Society’ and the Greek word ‘Logos’ meaning ‘Study’ or ‘Science’. Thus, the etymological meaning of Sociology is the science of society or study of society.   Definitions of Sociology: According to Ginsberg, ‘Sociology is the study of society, that is, the web or tissue of human interactions and inter-relations. W.F. Ogburn states, ‘Sociology is a body of learning about society. It is a description of ways to make society better. It is social ethics, a social philosophy. Generally, however, it is defined as a science of society.    From the above discussion, we may define sociology as a social science that focuses on society, human social behaviour patterns of social relationships, social intersection and aspects of culture associated with everyday life. More simply, sociology is the scientific study of society.   SOCIALIZATION-Its Concept The human infant comes into the world as a biological organism with animal needs. He is gradually moulded into a social being and learns social ways of acting and feeling.  Without this process of moulding, society could not continue, nor could culture exist, nor could the individual become a person. This process is called ‘Socialization’.   Definitions of Socialization- According to Lundberg, ‘Socialization consists of the complex process of interaction through which the individual learns the habits, skills, beliefs, and standards of judgement that are necessary for his effective participation in social group and communication. According to W.F.Ogburn, ‘Socialization is the process by which the individual learns to conform to the norms of the society.’   FACTORS OF SOCIALIZATION- The following factors play a motivating role in the process of socialization- ·           Imitation- Imitation is the main factor in the child's socialisation process. Imitation may be conscious or unconscious, spontaneous or deliberate, perceptual or ideational. Because of the tendency to imitate, children are susceptible to the influence of their parents and friends whose behaviour they imitate indiscriminately. ·           Suggestion- Suggestion is the process of communicating information without a logical or self-evident basis. It may be conveyed through language, pictures or some similar medium. Suggestion influences not only behaviour with others but also one's private and individual behaviour. There are several external and internal conditions which enhance suggestibility. Thus, temperament, intellectual ability, ignorance, inhibition, dissociation, emotional excitement and fatigue are some of the internal conditions of suggestibility. The external conditions mentioned may be group situation, prestige of the suggester, and public opinion.    Identification- As the child ages, he learns the nature of things or individuals who can satisfy his needs. Such things become the object of his identification. Through identification, he becomes sociable. ·           Language- Language is the medium of social interaction. It is the means of cultural transmission. At first, the child utters random syllables with no meaning, but gradually, he learns his mother tongue. The use of the mother tongue is an important factor in the child's socialisation process.    EDUCATION AND SOCIALIZATION- In the socialisation process, education plays a very important and pivotal role. The education system of society is the only resource with the help of which society can prepare people to live meaningful and dignified lives. Every society has its own ethos, which is conveyed to individuals in various ways. Society passes on its knowledge, skills, values and behavioural patterns to future generations with the help of its education system. Education socializes children into society by teaching cultural values and norms. It equips them with the skills needed to become productive members of society. This way, it stimulates economic growth and raises awareness of local and global problems.   CONCLUSION- Education is a more structured process that prepares a person for a productive life in society. Education is often referred to as ‘methodological socialization’ by many people. As a result, education and socialization are inextricably linked, as both processes aim to prepare individuals for a better life in society.

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