Classification of History

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Dusmita Goswami

INTRODUCTION     History is the analysis and interpretation of the human past enabling us to study continuity and changes that are taking place over time. It is an act of both investigation and imagination that seeks to explain how people have changed over time. Historians use all forms of evidence to examine, interpret, revisit, and reinterpret the past. These include not just written documents, but also oral communication and objects such as buildings, artifacts, photographs, and paintings. History is a means to understand the past and present. The different interpretations of the past allow us to see the present differently and therefore imagine and work towards different futures. It is often said to be the ‘mother’ of the social sciences. It is the basis of all subjects of study which fall under the category of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is also the basis of the study of philosophy, politics, economics, and even art and religion. No wonder, it is considered an indispensable subject in the complete education of man.        The origin of the word History is associated with the Greek word ‘Historia’ which means ‘information’ or ‘an inquiry designed to elicit "truth". The Greek historian "Herodotus" is considered the father of history. He compiled different events of history based on stories and folk tales in 500 BC.   DEFINITION OF HISTORY      History has been defined differently by different scholars -  1.According to E.H.Carr, "History is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and his facts and unending dialogue between the present and the past"   2. According to NCERT, "History is the scientific study of past happenings in all their aspects, in the life of a social group, in the life of present happenings."   3. According to Burckhardt, “History is the record of what one age finds worthy to note in another."          The above definitions explain History as a significant record of events of the past, a meaningful story of mankind depicting the details of what happened to man and why it happened. Mainly it deals with the human world. History is a growing discipline the serious study of which started in the second half of the 18th century, so it is said that it is still in the developing stage as a comprehensive subject. History which is a record of unique events in the life of mankind is the stir and vibration of life. It is not only the conserving and understanding of what has happened but also the completion of what has been going on at present.           CLASSIFICATION OF HISTORY       Rabindranath Tagore said," There is only one history, the history of man". It is a meaningful story of mankind, depicting the details of what happened to man and why it happened. Since man's first appearance on the earth whatever he settles down and develop community life he made history. Therefore, history is not limited to any particular period, region, or community. It is a universal history of mankind, comprising man's achievements in every field of life. However, for the convenience of study, historians have classified history into various kinds of which everyone is complete in itself. A true historian studies all kinds of history in a correlated and coordinated manner and realizes that history is a dynamic story of continual change and progress of mankind since time immemorial. The classification of history is as follows –  1. World History: World history is a broad field that encompasses the study of human societies and civilizations across the globe from prehistoric times to the present. It integrates various branches of history to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of different regions and cultures.   2. National History: National history refers to the narrative of a country's past, encompassing key events, cultural developments, and societal changes. It often includes the formation of the nation, major conflicts, political evolution, and the contributions of notable individuals. Studying national history provides insights into a country's identity, values, and the forces that have shaped its trajectory. Each nation's history is unique, offering a rich tapestry of stories that contribute to a broader understanding of global civilizations.   3. Regional History: Regional history refers to the study of the history of a specific geographical region, typically focusing on the unique events, developments, and cultural aspects that have shaped that particular area. It delves into the local context, examining how historical factors have influenced the region's social, economic, political, and cultural dynamics over time.   4. Local History: Local history refers to the study and documentation of events, people, and developments within a specific geographic area or community. It provides insight into the unique experiences, traditions, and changes that have shaped a particular locality over time. Studying local history helps preserve cultural heritage, fosters a sense of community identity, and contributes to a broader understanding of the past at a grassroots level.   5. Social History: Social history includes studying society's beliefs and practices that people from various social backgrounds have practiced through the years. People belonging to various religions as well as geographical locations tend to differ in their social customs. This has continued through the ages and still exists. This particular branch of history is thus one of a kind which helps to know how mankind has changed its social norms and customs through the ages.   6. Economic History: This branch of history, although it’s not as famous as the others, the impact of this branch, however, is not lesser than the others. Economic history is mostly popular with the students studying Economics. In this branch, the students have to learn about the connection between historical events and how those events have affected the world's economy.   7. Political History: This branch of history is one of the most popular ones. This is a blend of political science and the study of history associated with it in a broader version. This branch of history is one of the most popular ones among the students. It is because this branch talks about the political achievements, failures, movements, leaders, and events that everyone should know.   8. Cultural History: Culture plays a vital role in our life. No matter which part of the world we live in, we can hardly deny its very impact. However, the culture throughout the world varies, and this is what interests most of the students. The culture of a certain region is affected by many factors. This branch of history deals with the traditions and cultural interpretation of the past. It is a study of various facets of human history. Simply, cultural history records and interprets various past events involving human beings like literature, sports, entertainment, and much more.   9. Ancient History: Ancient history refers to the period that tells us about the beginnings of human civilization, marking the transition from prehistory to recorded history. It encompasses diverse civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and others providing insights into the foundations of human societies and their cultural, political, and technological developments.   10. Medieval History: Medieval history refers to the period in European history. It encompasses significant events such as the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the rise of feudalism, the Crusades, and the Renaissance. The term “medieval” is often used to describe this era, reflecting its position between ancient and modern times.   11. Modern History: Modern history entered the stage around 1500 CE, with the Renaissance in Europe heralding a period of significant societal, religious, and economic transformation. Key milestones include the invention of the printing press, Christopher Columbus's discovery of the Americas, and the globalization of ideas, trade, and wealth. This era is further divided into Early Modern and Late Modern history, each characterized by distinct developments, including the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Discovery, and the rise of capitalism. This is another important type of history.   CONCLUSION     In conclusion, history can be classified into various periods, events, and themes, helping us understand the past in a structured way. This categorization allows us to explore different aspects of human development, cultures, and societies throughout time, providing valuable insights into our shared heritage.

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