Philosophy--Its Concept

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Minakshi Rabha

Among the oldest and most esteemed fields of study is philosophy. Philosophy derives its name from the love of wisdom. Greek terms "philos," which means "love," and "sophia," which means knowledge, are the origin of the word philosophy. A structured body of knowledge emerged from man's ongoing effort to comprehend and characterize his world. The definition of philosophy taken literally demonstrates that the philosopher is always and everywhere searching for the truth. Philosophers throughout history, from antiquity to the present, have tried to define philosophy in addition to its etymological definition. The need for and importance of philosophy can be as follows: ·         Philosophy ask the important questions: Philosophy is The only other discipline equally focused on significant problems. Humanity's curiosity has always been guided by philosophy, whether when it comes to protecting human rights, pondering the meaning of existence, or selecting the best type of government. ·         Philosophy helps with critical thinking: The study of philosophy is mostly intellectual. A significant portion of what defines philosophy is critical thinking and reasoning. Philosophers have debated for years about assessing and categorising different schools of thought, identifying good reasoning, and other related subjects. ·         Philosophy teaches problem-solving: Philosophy can help with any problems you face. Philosophy teaches abilities like logic, observation, and intuition, which explains why. ·         Philosophy can be applied to every discipline: Every subject you study has a philosophical component that enhances learning. The fundamental skills of philosophy are reasoning and critical thinking, which are necessary in any line of work. Branches of Philosophy Mainly there are three branches of Philosophy: 1.        Metaphysics ( Theory of Reality) 2.       Epistemology ( Theory of Knowledge) 3.       Axiology ( Theory of value) Metaphysics deals with the nature of reality. It deals with the question- What is reality? What is the nature of the universe in which we live? Metaphysical questions are concerned with the nature of being itself. The questions about the nature of reality and the universe are profound and intricate. Epistemology is usually regarded as ‘ Theory of knowledge’. It concerns the questions like how a man knows. What is real? How do we get knowledge, and how can we be sure it is true and not an error? Most of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions like truth, belief, and justification. Axiology deals with the study of values. It studies what is considered important, the values an individual or group holds, and why. It is a science that studies how people think. PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION Despite appearing to differ greatly, philosophy and education are closely tied to one another. One is applied in practice, whereas the other is theoretical. Education works on the purpose or aim that philosophy provides practically. The relationship can be summed up as follows: ·         The goals, norms, and values of philosophy determine the course education should take to change a child's behaviour. Thus, applied philosophy also refers to education. ·         The world's greatest educators, including Socrates, Gandhiji, Plato, Rousseau, Aristotle, and others, are well known for this. ·         Every philosopher has their own ideals and values. They lead their life by those aims, ideals and values and want others to live by them. ·         Philosophy greatly influences all aspects of education, such as aims, discipline, curriculum, evaluation, methods of teaching, etc.

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