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Ananya Patowary

Constructivism is a learning theory suggesting learners construct their knowledge and understanding based on their experiences. According to Constructivism, learning is the formation of mental construction. Constructivism is a theory about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we must restore it with our previous ideas and experiences, and then we may change our previous beliefs or discard the new information. Constructivist classroom: A Constructivist classroom is a classroom where the focus tends to shift from the teacher to the students. In the constructivist model, the students are encouraged to be actively involved in their own process of learning. Students become the constructors of their own knowledge. They construct their knowledge by experimenting with real-life problem-solving through discovery methods, discussing their ideas with peers and teachers, etc. Teachers serve as Guides and Facilitators, helping students explore their own interests and make connections between new information and their existing knowledge. Teachers create an environment of freedom in the classroom. They encourage the students to ask questions and participate in discussions. Benefits of Constructivist Classroom ------ Active Engagement- ---Children learn more and enjoy the process of learning when they become actively involved rather than passive listeners. Meaningful Learning-----The children's learning becomes more meaningful as students connect new information to their prior knowledge and real-life experiences. Reduce rote memorisation-------Constructivism concentrates on learning to think and understand rather than memorisation. Critical thinking- ------It encourages students to think critically, analyse information and solve problems independently. Develop skills:--------Constructivism promotes social and communication skills by creating a classroom environment that emphasises collaboration and the exchange of ideas among the learners.

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